What is Magickal and how does it work? Magickal is a specialized platform dedicated to assisting individuals in achieving their desires and aspirations through rites performed by our adept practitioners. These rites are conducted on behalf of our clients, harnessing the power of ancient traditions and practices to manifest positive outcomes.

  • Magickal is a platform connecting clients with adept practitioners.

  • Our adepts perform rites to help clients achieve their desires.

  • The rites are rooted in ancient traditions and practices.

How can I trust the authenticity of the rites performed? At Magickal, we prioritize the authenticity and integrity of our services. Our adepts are carefully selected based on their expertise, experience, and dedication to the craft. Furthermore, we maintain transparency by providing clients with detailed information about the rites and their origins, ensuring that they are rooted in genuine traditions.

  • Our adepts are selected based on expertise and experience.

  • We provide detailed information about each rite and its origin.

  • Transparency and authenticity are our top priorities.

Are there any safety concerns associated with the rites? Safety is paramount at Magickal. All rites performed by our adepts are designed to be safe and beneficial for our clients. We adhere to strict guidelines and protocols to ensure that no harm comes to anyone involved. Additionally, clients are provided with comprehensive instructions and precautions to follow, if necessary.

  • All rites are designed to be safe and beneficial.

  • We adhere to strict safety guidelines and protocols.

  • Clients receive comprehensive instructions and precautions.

How long does it take to see results after a rite is performed? The timeframe for results can vary based on the nature of the rite and the individual's circumstances. While some clients may experience immediate results, others might notice changes over a more extended period. It's essential to approach the process with patience and an open mind, understanding that the universe works in its own time.

  • Timeframes for results can vary based on the rite and individual circumstances.

  • Some clients may experience immediate results, while others may take longer.

  • Patience and an open mind are crucial during the process.


  • Avoid obsessing over the outcome. Obsessive thinking can create negative energy, making it harder to achieve your desires.

  • Refrain from negative behaviors towards anyone involved in your situation. Such actions can negate the effects of the rite.

  • Discuss your rites only with your specific adept. Sharing details with others can introduce unwanted energies and potentially disrupt the rite's effectiveness.

  • Allow time for the rite to manifest. Typically, results can be observed three to six months after the rite. However, the exact timeframe varies, and daily updates are discouraged. Instead, update us periodically on your progress.

GUARANTEES: No one can guarantee the outcome of spiritual or magickal rites. While some sites may offer refunds, we emphasize that the final outcome is determined by the spiritual entities invoked. They decide the best resolution for you based on various factors.

TIME FRAME AND RESULTS: Rites generally require time to manifest. Results can appear anytime from immediately after the rite to several months later. However, three to six months is a typical timeframe. It's crucial to understand that results manifest when they're meant to in the spiritual realm. Any claims of guaranteed results within a specific period are misleading.